Loan with us

Apply For A Loan In 4 Easy Steps

If you find yourself in a situation where you need cash instantly, pick up your best item and bring it to your preferred store location. Our team of experts will properly assess it and will provide you with an equal loan value for it at a very reasonable interest rate. What do you have to lose? Come on in and see for yourself!


step 1

Bring In Collateral!

Collaterals are acceptable items of value that are used to secure a loan. Collaterals may be in the form of a piece of jewelry or anything of value. Continue reading to see the list of acceptable items. 

You will be asked to fill out some paperwork and you will be ready for the next step. Be assured that your collateral will be safe with us until you come back and are ready to take it out.

step 2

We Evaluate Your Collateral!

Evaluation will only take a couple of minutes since we don’t want to take much of your time. The collateral should meet the required specifications, condition, brand, or even the age of your item. 

Come to any of our stores and bring with you your collateral and we’ll be happy to assess it for you.

step 3

Walk Out With Cash

You’re almost there! After just a few minutes of waiting, you’re now a moment away from getting your cash instantly. Once the application has been approved and the items were evaluated, spot cash will be released and will be ready to use whenever and however you want it.

step 4

Extend or Pickup

We always say we VALUE our customers and we are very true to this. We know you’re WORTH it and we’re offering TWO ways to keep it SIMPLE for you:

Part A

Extend Your Loan

If you get caught up with something else and won’t be able to pay on your due date, give us a call and we’ll be very glad to help you out on extending your due for no EXTRA COST. This option will give you ample time until your next new due date without the worry of losing your item.

Part B

Pickup Your Items

Now if you’re ready to pick up your item, call us ahead of time to know the full details on how much you’re expecting to take out your item. This will help you also prepare on what and how much to bring to fully pay and bring home your item.

Where To Find Us ?

Big Dog Pawn & Jewelry offers you two convenient locations. Choose the closest location near you whether you want to buy or sell. You may also call us for inquiries or concerns. Check out our stores and see for yourself!

Your Source for Fast Cash

Head out to the nearest store and bring along anything of value and we will convert it into CASH for you. 

Wondering What You Can Get A Loan On ?

We get it! Now, we’re making it simpler for you. Here is the list of things you can bring in whether you want a loan, simply sell or buy from us. We have a vast list to provide you with more options and more chances of walking out with CASH!

Jewelry, Watches





Diamond Earrings


Luxury HandBags

Louis Vuitton





Game Consoles






Currency & Bullion

Collectible Coins


Paper Money - US

Rare Serial Numbers


Games, Toys and Hobbies

Diecast & Toy Vehicles



Classic Toys

Comic Books

Vintage & Antique Toys